6 Simple Steps To Help Get Your Home Sold Now!
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- Welcome. Sellers watch video below to get your property viewed by dozens of local investors and buyers. This website was created to fill a need. There are thousands of local and nationwide mobile home investors ready and willing to purchase your mobile home. No matter if your property is in perfect condition or if it is a handyman special there are buyers in your area ready to pay you. This website and it’s sister websites receive thousands of views per months from investors nationwide. Adding your property to this website gets your property seen by these local investors. No matter how you are advertising your mobile home for sale, it needs to be listed here. Claim your “Free Listing” for a limited time only.
- Please read the simple steps below to start showing your property to a world of mobile home investors you never knew existed.
–Video below shows you how to add a property in just 6 simple steps–
>>> Update: Make sure to add your phone number or email address to your property description. <<<
Press the “Log In” Tab at the top of the page. Once there create your individual username and email address. (Your username can be anything you wish, as long as it is not already taken.) 

Check your email for your login details and unique password. The email ill be sent to you immediately and should come from cashflr6@box380.bluehost.com and the subject line should read [Sell Fast By Owner] Your user name and password. Keep this username and password handy for step 3. (Do not go through the link sent in the email. Do proceed to step 3.)

Return to the “Log In” Tab and enter your username and unique password that was emailed to you. Then press the blue “Log In” button.

Press the dark grey “+ Add New Property” button.

WATCH VIDEO ABOVE FOR FULL WALK THROUGH. Now we get to the fun part. Take 10 minutes to upload all your home pictures and add a detailed description of your property. (The more investors know about your home the better they can help you.)

Wait, we will approve your property listing within 24-48 hours. Your site will them be listed for dozens of local investors to see and call you. Answer the phone or emails when local investors and buyers call. Sell for a price you are happy with.
For any questions please email support@mobilehomeinvesting.net
3 bedrooms 2 baths 1 car garage 1800 sq. ft. Asking 75000 must sell
Please contact me at 815 482 8808
How do I find out what my 19 year old 3 bedroom 3 full bath home is worth ? I would like to sell it where it sits in rental park and purchase home/property combination
Hi Jimmy,
Your home may or may not be able to be bank fanciable at the current age and possible condition. The reason I mention this is because the appraised value will be of little value for anyone paying cash, and not using bank financing. The very short answer to your question is exactly what someone (a buyer) will pay for it. With that said you can determine a ball park price by find what similar homes compared to yours have sold for locally, be aware of how long it took for them to sell as well.
I hope this helps and makes sense. If not and your still confused don’t hesitate to comment back.
Talk soon,
John Fedro
What is the 1st thing we need to do, or how do we get started we have the title and it sits on a lot that we have to pay for, Should we get a sign “For Sale” by owner, or should we incur cost of an attorney, it does need work but we would like to try to sell as is, should we look back at the appraisal that we get from time to time re: property taxes. This is new just would like guidance on how to get started
Hi Phyllis,
Thank you for commenting and reaching out concerning this issue. I see that your property is most likely in Texas. Depending on the location you may have an easy or more difficult time selling due to the local market demand of your area. With that said you should absolutely get a for sale by owner sign and hang it on the property and in the window of your home. You should also place a newspaper ad in your small local community newspaper advertising your property for sale. Let the park manager know about your home for sale and also the neighbors. In short you want to make sure that your messages out there and everyone looking to buy a mobile home sees it. Also make sure to list your property for sale on sites like Craigslist.com, sellfastbyowner.com, and mhvilliage.com. They should all help get your property information out there to folks that are looking to buy quickly. The fact that your home needs repair should not make too much of a difference if the price is right. Listen to the feedback from people that walk through and negotiate the price and terms of your home accordingly. Lastly, if you’re willing to accept payments from your buyer you will most likely sell the home much quicker and for a higher price. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to ask any time. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Hi John,
Thank you for all you do to help people with Mobile homes! I just met with a woman who want to buy my mobile…hadn’t listed it yet. Now I face the manager inspection (she’s not just tough she’s really awful and it’s her shear joy to be so). I took down all the info but what to do about the manager…..I have no idea….used to go to the park Atty but don’t have the number to the new one. Thank you, Karen
Hi Karen,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you so much for your kind words. I very much regret to hear about how difficult this current park manager is to work with. It is quite rare for mobile home parks to require an inspection of the interior of the mobile home prior to it being sold. I can tell already this is a strict park. With that said you are caught between a rock and a hard place. I’m curious what the park manager said needed to be repaired before you could resell the home? If this is a long and nearly impossible list there are certainly things to consider before moving forward. Do you have the phone number or contact information for the park owner?
Talk soon,
hi john im going to make a long story short because im at work I have a modular home iv been there almost 4 years I want to move I still owe money on the home can I sell it? and how do I go about doing that? kim
Hi Kim,
Thank you for reaching out and for your brevity and asking your question. I will do my best to answer this for you and if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out. Because your mobile home has a current lien on it you will need to satisfy this before the title can be transferred over into your new buyer’s name. Your new buyer can either bring cash or a bank loan to pay off the current note. Once the note is paid off the bank will release the lien and you can either than receive a free and clear title in the mail or head down to your local mobile home title transferring agency (typically your local DMV or DOT branch) and obtain a free and clear title now that the lien has been removed. Due to the fact that there is a lien you will most likely be using the buyers money to pay for the balance of the note pay off. For this reason you may need to close with a real estate attorney. This is because the buyer may not trust simply handing over their money to you and waiting for the title to be delivered to them. Another choice you have is to use part of the sellers money to pay off the bank, then once you receive the free and clear title you can transfer into the new buyer’s name. At this point the buyer will pay you the rest of the money that is owed to you. I hope this all helps and makes sense. Again, if you have any questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out.
Talk soon,
Man, john you great! Thank you so much for this resource. Here’s my situation, I’m in the process of buying an old 1981 Breck Mobile Home from a seller who had it for 4 years. They say that the title it free and clear. I offered to give them half upon receiving the title and I asked for the last 4 years of insurance report on the home. They seem to have a problem with it saying that’s to complicated and I should just take the offer as is. I don’t feel comfortable with giving them half if I can get the title and varify there are no leins on the property. But I’m afraid they don’t have the title in their name though. How should I be prepared for our next meeting? What do I need to do to get all the info I need to feel more comfortable about the deal?
Hi Quamon,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Please see my thoughts below in bold your questions.
Man, john you great! Thank you so much for this resource. Here’s my situation, I’m in the process of buying an old 1981 Breck Mobile Home from a seller who had it for 4 years. They say that the title it free and clear. I offered to give them half upon receiving the title and I asked for the last 4 years of insurance report on the home. They seem to have a problem with it saying that’s to complicated and I should just take the offer as is. I don’t feel comfortable with giving them half if I can get the title and varify there are no leins on the property. But I’m afraid they don’t have the title in their name though. How should I be prepared for our next meeting? Thank you for the detailed the message as a certainly does help me try to answer your questions. I’m not sure if you have already committed to this price however I hope you are happy with this home and its potential. Definitely have the seller text message you a picture of the titles so that you can verify that he is the owner, there are no liens, and the taxes are good. If it is inside of a park than definitely get park approved and speak with the management as well to ask if they are behind on payments and if they know of any problems with the home. What do I need to do to get all the info I need to feel more comfortable about the deal? If you are uncomfortable with the deal then we need more information about the home to correctly understand what exactly you are purchasing. It is also important to keep yourself protected by not handing out any money until you can hold the title in your hands and are given possession of the property. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
I want to sell my mobile home located in Melbourne florida for 5k or best offer.its a 2/1 thesite is in the medows mobile home park. lot #17 is $20 permo to rent property.i am not sure about this computer stuff I thought I would comment. I have been here for 11years and the home is very well taken care of.i have done a deck out side slider doors ,had it painted with matching shed that sits on a cocret slab.cool seal to the roof.lamenet floor ing in living room and hall. my next project was kitchen but my health is not that good. I need an apartment on flat ground my back can,t take the stairs..
I’m interested in your mobil call me if you haven’t sold it yet thanks mary.. 7073153007
I have a 2000 Clayton 3bd, 2 bath, ben trying to login in to list it, but it wont let me
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I apologize about the technical difficulties you are having. With that said I am curious on the exact details or error message you are receiving. The reason I mention this is because there are certainly other folks uploading their properties to the site almost daily. I mention this because it may be an issue on your and somehow. Moving forward if you have any specific questions about uploading the property or have received a certain error message please let me know. You may also feel free to email your pictures and description of the property along with other sales details to me personally to have this uploaded to the site manually (email me at john@mobilehomeinvesting.net). I hope this helps and make sense. As always, if you have or have any questions or concerns now are moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Hi John, I live in Hammond, indiana. I want to sell my 2bed 1 bath 2007 clayton home. It us a single wide 16×48. I owe about $4700. It is in great condition. I want to sell to cash buyers. Do you know of any investors in my area? How do I get started? Thanks.
Hi Robbin,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Your mobile home sounds quite new in a fairly decent size for a two bedroom. I am not working with many investors around your area however I do know of a couple. Have you uploaded your property with pictures to this website? If you did then please send me a link to your properties description. If you have it on a different website already being advertised then please feel free to email me personally at John@mobilehomeinvesting.net to give me more information about your property. I can then certainly forward your information over to these investors. I hope this helps and make sense. As always if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
I want to buy a pre-owned double wide mobile home, on one acre of private property, in the Denver/ Arvada area, that someone has lived in, and wants to sell. I don’t know where to look for listings. ?? Can you help me??
Hi Isabelle,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Because the property will be attached to 1 acre of land you will also own I would very much encourage you to reach out to an experienced realtor in the Arvada/Denver area. You can always talk to a handful of agents at different companies to let them know what you are looking for. Additionally I would encourage you to look around in these areas to see what maybe for sale by owner. No these two ideas are not groundbreaking however they should help you achieve your goal to find a seller of a preowned double wide mobile home on a private acre of land. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
I have a mobile home park with 12 mobile hms an one small house on approx 5 acres in Tarlton Ohio I really want to sell this park. All homes are owned by the park. Can you direct me to a web site that I can place an ad for this property?
Thank You Brenda Harris
Hi Brenda,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I would be happy to help as much as possible. I will email you directly with more questions about your community for sale. I can also help upload pictures and a description for you on the site as well. As always, any questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
I have a 3 bedroom ,2 bath double wide i am looking to sell as soon as possible. If i could get some help with that ,that would be great. it is 32×44
I have a three-bedroom two-bath single wide mobile home located in Crystal Lakes I’m selling this property as is looking for a quick sale you can give me a call at 843-450-0601 very motivated seller Let’s Make a Deal
I guess I am to old to understand how to do this stuff. I like the site and I do want to sell my mobile home and land. Well below market price. want to relocate.
Hi Tmccsr,
Understood and I am willing to help wherever I can. If you are able to email me some pictures, a brief description of your property, your contact info and sales price to my email address – support@mobilehomeinvesting.net. I’ll be happy to upload the content to this website for you and gt your home seen by other investors locally.
Talk soon,
John Fedro
Hi I’m trying to sale my new 3 bedroom two bathroom mobile home in California as soon as possible do u know anyone
Hi Joe,
Thank you for reaching out. Yes, I do know of a few investors throughout your state that are actively purchasing MHs. Where about is your property located? If I have anyone locally I sned them this info personally. Additioanlly, any repairs needed? And how much are you asking fr your property?
Talk soon,
I have approx. 20 Mobile Homes of which I am seeking offers. All are in GOOD CONDITION. Avg. age roughly 5 years. Most are 14′ X 75′ (Clayton, Redman, Champion, Cavalier, Riverbirch)
I am confident somebody is going to get an amazing deal on these.
Please call me ASAP @ 405-626-6675
Hi John, i live in tampa, fl and have a double wide made in 2008. It is in a all ages mobile home park. I have a mortgage of appx 35,000 but i am looking for about 42,000. Can you help? My # is 813-988-7919, thanks. Harry
Hi Harry,
Thank you so much for commenting and reaching out. A 2008 manufactured home I have no doubt looks amazing. This home has likely a big open floor plan with good-sized rooms in modern day appliances. With all that said your home would absolutely not be a good deal for an investor. I mention this to you because I do not want to waste any of your time at all. Your home sounds beautiful and quite desirable by the right buyer, however this will not be an investor. With that said I do encourage you to market and advertise the home as much as possible so all nearby potential buyers can see your property for sale. Make sure you have your home advertised on websites such as Craigslist.com, MHVillage.com, and on this site as well. Additionally, make sure your home is listed in the “flyer magazine” and also possibly having yard signs around town advertising your property for sale in the price. The more potential buyers that see your property the better. Additionally, reach out to local banks to help arrange financing for your potential buyer. If your buyers do not have cash than they will need to go through a bank to obtain a new loan for this property. Any research you can do prior to this point will certainly help your tenant buyers and potentially expedite the process moving forward. I hope this helps and makes sense moving forward. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
2 bedroom 2 add on rooms 2 bathroom in big bear California. Need to sell fast and needs to be moved out of park
Hi Evie,
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and reach out. We are a growing website for serious investors looking to purhase mobile homes quickly so your property is welcome here. Your home sounds like one local investors may want to look at depending on your selling price range and terms. Are you able to follow the instructions and upload pictures and a short description of your property for sale?? If you are please do and make sure your contact info is listed too. If not then perhaps I have help if you are able to email me a short description and pictures. Hope this helps and makes sense.
Talk soon,
would like to sell my mobile home w/ land. The home is a Redman 14 years old 4 bedroom 2 bathroom and it sits on a piece of land that is .41 of an acre in Moncks Corner,SC. Where do I start. There is still liens on both. Just not together.
Hi Rick,
What does a Realtor value the home and land at? This will tell you much about your situation and how quickly you should consider selling. This is a short answer however it will tell you so much and give you clues to market demand from a seasoned expert. Hope this helps.
Talk soon,
Thank you for helping me sell my home John. The buyer, Rick, came through and made us an offer the same day. Thanks again buddy.
Thomas and Linda Green
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for commenting and for you kind words. I am very happy to hear that you have sold your property so quickly. When a deal is win-win for both parties, and there is a “real” buyer with cash closing can happen fast. I hope you got close to what you were asking. I’ll make sure to remove the listing from here.
Monthly fees for park are $632.00, park made offer of $5,000, refused by husband. Too low. For a quick sale, I want to put in new carpet and jazz up the front porch and repair cracks in the seams in the ceiling. . My husband refuses to spend money on the unit. We have held this unit for six month already. The season has come and gone. What are your suggestions for a sale. Unit is in fairly good condition. 2/2
Hi Jan,
You mentioned that the season has come and gone, this leads me to assume that you are in an area with snowbirds coming down for the winter months to get out of the cold. I will also assume that your home is inside a senior citizen only mobile home park. The lot rent of $632 does not seem out of the question for a buyer willing to purchase inside this mobile home park.
I agree with your husband that you should not put in any more money to this home UNLESS you have heard from a number of buyers that have walked through the home complaining of these issues with the front porch and cracks in the ceiling seam. The reason I mention this is because the more money you put into the home the more money you must ask for two breakeven.
An offer of $5000 may not be much however it is a serious offer. In order to attract more buyers you may wish to sell for payments. This means that a serious low-risk buyer will put down a good amount of money and then pay you monthly payments until your purchase price is paid in full. I am not sure if you would consider this however you may have much better luck attracting a serious buyer and selling the home this way. Again, the reason I mention this is for a fast sale and to stop bleeding the monthly lot rent payment each month.
My response has likely brought up many more questions that you have. Do not hesitate to comment them back or reach out and ask any questions you may have. I’m always here to help.
Talk soon,
I have a mobile home for sale and i need to quick sell it. It is located in the city of Highland California. Please contact me asap 909 936-[blocked by admin]
Hi Delilah,
Thanks for reaching out. I have forwarded your info to a very competent and knowledgeable Mh investor in your area. Brett should be calling you soon.
Talk soon,
I have a single wide with 3 bedroom and two bathrooms that I am trying to sell Good condition, I need to sell it fast.
Hi Jess,
Have you sold your home yet?
What are are you in? If still available what is the best number to reach you at and the asking price you are asking for the home? Also, is this in a park or on private land you also are selling?
Please feel free to email me this info versus commenting it online for all to see. John@mobilehomeinvesting.net
Talk soon,
Space rent very low senior park secluded from street very quit with pool and jacuzzi privliages for sale by owners located in hemet California mostly a senior community three storage sheds and newer carpet large living room need to relocate closer to family asking price is sixteen thousand cash call 951-796_8813
Hi June,
Thank you for reaching to me on this. I will forward your message and home details to 2 local investors in your area to see if their are interested in learning more about your property. In addition please try to list your property here if you are able to. Either way I’ll forward this off to those local investors. If they are interested they’ll reach out to you personally. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to reach back out.
Talk soon,
Hi John
I have a 2006 park model for sale in the Dallas Ft Worth area. Do you has any contacts in this area. Beautiful home in excellent condition. Sitting on a rented lot walking distsnce to the lake,
Thank you for any help.
Hi Sheila,
Yes, I have a few around the area and surrounding counties. Have you made a listing here yet? If you have then these local investors/buyers were already alerted. If you did upload your property info already please comment me the link here, or if not then please fill out the info to upload your property and I’ll make sure it is sent to them asap. Either way I hope you find a buyer soon.
Talk soon,
My mother owns what I guess is referred to as a pre-manufactured doublewide mobile home. She is currently living in an assisted living facility in the Pittsburgh area and no longer has a need for the mobile home. I came across your website as a possible buyer of mobile homes.
In any event I am starting to investigate how to sell it and trying to get an idea for how much it is worth. Is this something you can help with?
The home is sitting on my sisters property in Latrobe Pennsylvania and if sold would need to be relocated by the buyer.
It was built in 1999, it has 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. Other than the carpeting, the home is in fair condition.
Hi Bill,
Thank you for reaching out and I be happy to help with anything I can. If you are looking for the highest possible price you can get then selling to a buyer who will live in the home they will pay you the most. However if you’re looking for a fast sale and a fair price than a local investor may be able to help. I do know of to investors in your area and potentially to more outside your area. Did you upload your property to this website yet with pictures?
You can always reach me here or at my email at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net. Once you come up with the price or have any other follow-up questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Talk soon,
John Fedro
I am in a park but own my home free and clear. i need to sell by july 1st but have no clue what to do to get buyers. Please advise.
Hi Leigh,
Thank you for reaching out concerning this issue. I’m very happy to give you any help that I can. What state is your property located? You still have a few months so you are in a much better spot than some other sellers. For sure make sure to advertise your property on this website and on Craigslist.com. If there is a small local newspaper I suggest placing an advertisement in this small non-metropolitan type newspaper. There are many other free and inexpensive ways to advertise your property for sale, however letting me know what city and state you’re in will be a help.
All the best and talk soon,
I commented earlier, but I don’t think it went through.
We have a 4 year old MH in a community. We would like to just sell for what we owe. We got an offer today for 30k below what we need from a place that buys them. My fear is only getting that much for it period.
Hi Danielle,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting again. I am not sure why your first comment did not go through. The trouble with selling a mobile home inside of a park is that financing for them is terrible and many buyers are flaky and simply don’t have much cash in the bank to pay out right for your mobile home. Your mobile home is likely worth every bit of what you are asking for it. The home will likely last another 40+ years when taken care of by a loving owner. With that said if you wish to sell your mobile home for all-cash or bank financing you are competing with every other seller on the market. If possible aim to sell your mobile home for a down payment and monthly payments until you are paid in full. This will give many more buyers the opportunity to purchase your home. If you wish to sell for cash your property will need to be prettier than everyone else’s in the park and for sale at a 10% lower price than others. Additionally, find a local credit union or bank that will lend on your property. This way when you find a serious buyer you can send them to the lender to help expedite the process. I hope this helps and makes sense. I regret to hear your frustration and fear with regards to selling. Please feel free to keep in touch and ask me any other questions needed. As far as an investor we would not likely pay you what you need to get out of the home. You are most definitely looking for a retail end-user type buyer.
Talk soon,
So it sounds like, even the company that owns our community, who offers renters the opportunity to buy the home after a year, may low ball us as well?
They have requested pictures of the home twice, as if they are amazed that there is no damage.
We thought about fsbo, but have no idea how to even begin. We are in a desired area…
Thank you for your reply.
Hi Danielle,
Yes, I agree with you that this company will lowball you. I obviously do not know the company personally however they are in business to make money. With that said there is a win-win price and/or terms that both parties should be able to reach to make everyone happy. Some companies aim for a win-win solution, and other companies care less about sellers and much more about profits.
Your home sounds very well taken care of. You no doubt have a very high pride of ownership.
Aim to advertise and market your home every way you can. From signs in the window, to for sale signs around the ZIP Code, two ads on Craigslist and in the newspaper. The more eyes that see your home for sale with a great asking price the more calls your likely to receive.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any other questions or concerns you may have. Selling your home with half the purchase price down today and monthly payments from your buyer may likely help sell your home even quicker. Again if you have any questions I’m always here.
Talk soon,
My Mom’s mobile home is less than two years old. It is very well made, plus we have added a sun porch. We need to sell it and it cannot stay where it is. The original price was $55,000. She put $25,000 down and has been making payments for 20 months. It cannot stay where it is, so the buyer would need to purchase and move it. Any tips on how to do this?
I left a message the other day, but it has disappeared. So, I am trying again. Do you have any advice on selling a 2013 Titan single-wide home built for wind zone III. Two bedroom, two bath, propane furnace, insulated skirting with wind vents and an added insulated three season porch with four large windows. Its a very nice place. The primary windows are extra large. It has a vaulted ceilings. Ceiling fans in the living room and master bedroom. There is a walk-in shower in one bathroom and tub/shower combo in the other. It is well build and heat efficient. I live in Down East, Maine and my highest propane bill was $250 for the month of January with drastically sub zero weather for a good part of the month. Wind has been ferocious at times – gale force up to 75 mph and the place has held up great. The home would have to be moved by the buyer.
Hi Karen
I regret to hear about your family’s loss. I would be happy to help in points you in a direction to help get your home sold. As you described your mother’s property it sounds beautiful and very well taken care of. This home will last for another 50+ years if well taken care of. As you described it I would not mind living in the home myself. You will be facing some uphill battles as the mobile home must be moved and due to the asking price. By my estimates if you are looking to break even your going to need to sell for roughly $30,000. Is that correct?
The problem with this is many buyers do not have this type of cash lying around in the bank plus the ability to move the mobile home. In addition financing for mobile homes is terrible. I suggest you market online, off-line, and in newsprint media. Additionally, call local mobile home dealers and mobile home parks to see if they will buy your mobile home and move it. It is good your mobile home is only a single wide as these are cheaper to move than a double wide. However with the three season porch this will have to be moved and transported as well, adding roughly $1000 to the moving expense.
I hope this has helped in giving you something to consider. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email or comment back.
Talk soon,
Hi, Looking for some information on how to sell a mobile home pretty quickly.
Hi Monica,
Thank you for reaching out and getting in touch with me concerning this issue. I would be happy to help point you in the right direction and assist you with any questions you may have. Depending on where your home is, what it looks like, what is for sale around it, how you are looking to sell, and much more – will determine the advice I can give you. With that said please email me directly at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net and I would be happy to help answer any questions and give you any advice possible to help you sell quickly. In addition here is a link that may help give you some ideas to sell quickly. http://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/how-to-sell-a-mobile-home-in-a-park
Talk soon,
Trying to sale a 4 bed two bath double wide in east texas. Have tried realtors and for sale by owner with no luck. Trailer is in very good condition just looking to move.
Hi Nick,
Your home sounds huge. Four-bedroom mobile homes are not that common to find and therefore are desired by many buyers. With that said you’re asking price in the condition of the home will likely be the reason why you have not sold it yet. Assuming that your home is in great shape if your price is not affordable for a cash sale or bank financed a ball you will have a tough time selling this home. It is not due to the fact your home is in good shape, but the fact that financing for mobile homes is very tough to obtain for most buyers, and most buyers do not have over $15,000 to pay for a mobile home all cash. With this said, you and every other seller are trying to find and sell to the same few serious buyers. I suggest that your home be prettier than the competitions and also 10% cheaper in price. In addition if your home is less than 20 years old I suggest making contact with multiple credit unions and banks nearby to see which institutions will lend on your home. This way when you find a serious buyer with decent credit you can send them to your contact at the bank to help facilitate the sale. I hope this helps and makes sense.
If you have any questions don’t ever hesitate to reach out and let me know.
Talk soon,
My home has sold with the help of you. An investor paid almost my full asking price. Thank you so much again. I should have posted the listing here weeks ago. Is there any way I can pay you to say, thank you? I will recommend this site to others.
Sincerely and thank you,
Wanda Green
Hi Wanda,
Congratulations! I am so excited to hear about the fast sale and great sales price. I’m so glad you were able to make this work and found a local investor to help you. I would be very honored for you to recommend this site to others and that is the best payment I can receive. I’m very happy to help and if you need any questions answered or help in the future never hesitate to reach out.
Talk soon,
John, I’ve tried to post my home here.. Followed the 6 steps.. But it did not go to the page that showed that my post was successful. It’s been a little frustrating:(
Hi BC0426,
I’m sorry to hear about the technical difficulties you are having. I would be happy to upload this myself so please email me some pictures and a detailed description of the location and home. Please include the dimensions, bedrooms and bathrooms, and the price that you are asking. I hope this helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions don’t hesitate to ask. Please email me at John@mobilehomeinvesting.net
Talk soon,
I have a 2000 Shilo Clayton in fair conditions I guess!!!! I’m wanting 8500 for it !! It is sitting on some land and we need to get it moved off I ha e somewhere els I’m trying to live and I need to sell my trailer
Hi Brooklin,
Thanks for reaching out and commenting. Your home sounds promising based on the year alone. I would be happy to help send your home to any local and active mobile home investors I know of in your area. What city and state is your mobile home located in? How many bedrooms and bath is the home?
Talk soon,
Love the site John! Thanks for all your help.
Hi Jim,
Thank you so much for the kind words. I am very happy to help and hope that the site has provided you value. If you have any specific questions don’t ever hesitate to reach back out.
Talk soon,
I was downloading pic of my trailer for sale and the computer logged off. How do I get back on to finish setting up? Otherwise, this was sure an easy site to work with.
Hi Kate,
Thanks for taking the time to upload your property and info for sale. You will need to log back in to the backend, using the password and email loggin you created. Then upload some pictures of your property and press submit/publish.
Let me know if you have any other questions or if I missed anything.
Talk soon,
We are trying to sell our house it is a 3/2 1900sq it is currently on family land so it needs to be moved but we have no idea where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Corrie,
Thank you so much for commenting and reaching out concerning this issue. A three bedroom with 1900 ft.² sounds huge. In addition you may have likely taken excellent care of your mobile home so as to attract a fast sale and quality buyer. Because your home has to be moved it will be desired by only a few types of buyers. With that said your sales and asking price will have to be reduced as well. This reduced price will allow a buyer to have the home moved and set up to their vacant piece of land or to a different mobile home park. If you have the time and money to move the mobile home into a mobile home park or to purchase a separate piece of land to move the home to you will be able to sell the home for much closer to a retail price as there will be many more buyers interested in purchasing a home that is ready to be lived in.
With that said there certainly are buyers that will purchase your mobile home and then move it. It can be a wise idea to call local parks and dealers to see if they are interested in buying and moving your manufactured home. Additionally, dealers and new manufactured home builders may have a buyers list which they can help market your mobile home to in order to expedite the sale. In addition you may be able to partner with local landowners to create a land home package to then sell your mobile home for top dollar, your local dealer may have more information on this option.
In short I suggest you certainly put the home in as many places as you can advertising it for sale; in newspapers, online, on Craigslist, using dozens of for-sale signs in around the area are all great ideas. The more potential buyers that see your advertisement the better.
I can certainly talk more about this for days so if you have any follow-up questions or I was not clear in any description please don’t hesitate to comment back. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
I have been trying to sell my mothers mobile home since Jan. We started at cash only price well below book in order to move it however that did not work (more rent to own type inquires) So after 2 months of nothing but rent to own inquires we decied to go that route and now of course we are getting no inqures. I have placed an ad on both Craiglist and MHVillage to not avail.
The Mh is a 3bed / 2 bath home that needs carpeting through out. Its currently in a park that has a lot rent of 165.00 a month a background check requirement that cost $40 per adult that will live in home. We have 2 different deposit options listed as well as cash price that is $2k less than the rent to own price. I just dropped the price for the rent to own option by $1k and we are still getting no inquries.
Any suggestions and is there a charge for your assistance, if so what would that be?
Hi Kimberly,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting on this issue. It certainly sounds like you are flexible in your ability to accept money in payments and all cash for this home. For an all cash sale you will typically want to sell the home for a substantially reduced price versus the payment price. With that said please email me a link to your craigslist ad and I will be happy to give you my thoughts. If you are not receiving calls then it is likely the advertisement itself that is steering away callers. My email is John@mobilehomeinvesting.net
Once I receive your email we will go from there and I’ll be happy to help.
Talk soon,
My father and I were co-owners of his mobile home. He recently passed away. I have a cash offer for his MH. Can I finalize this transaction from my state? or do I have to be there in person? I am in Missouri. The MH is in North Carolina. Also, I am the sole recipient and executor of his will.
What do I need to do?
Hi Cassandra,
Thank you for commenting and reaching out concerning the property for sale. I regret to hear about your father’s passing and your family’s loss. Because you are sole executor of his well I’m confident that this can be handled from your current state of Missouri as long as you are able to find and line up a buyer who wants to purchase the North Carolina home. In North Carolina most title transactions are transferred at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Please call the numbers below and explain to them just exactly what you would like to do with regards to selling your father’s property and you being out of state. There is likely a state form you will have to include with the bill of sale and original title to your father’s home. Additionally, feel free to ask the clerk that answers the phone any other specific and general questions you have about the mobile home transfer. These folks are very nice and helpful typically. 800-849-6311/919-872-2740
Concerning your question about what do you need to do; after you ask all specific questions to to the local North Carolina DMV, you will have to find a buyer which is typically done through online sites like Craigslist, or the local NC city’s newspaper, and even by speaking with the current park manager to ask if there are any buyers he or she knows of. Once a buyer is located in approved at the park you may be able to use the park manager or an escrow company to confirm receipt of the cash payment from your buyer so that you may now mail the new buyer the signed original title, bill of sale, and any other state form you must include because you are the sole executor of your father’s will and likely power of attorney.
I hope this has been helpful and has at least pointed you in the right direction of what to do next. If you have any follow-up questions don’t hesitate to ask. I’m always here to help.
Talk soon,
Im looking to sell my 2 bed 1 bath mobile home ASAP its a fixer upper and I am only asking $10,000. I was hoping to sell it ASAP. Any advice
Hi Kristie
Thanks for commenting and reaching out with this concern. In many area two-bedroom mobile homes are still very desirable. It sounds like yours needs a little bit of work however if the asking price is fair then you should have a buyer interested at some point. When you’re looking to sell for cash you will be competing against all the other mobile homes for sale in your area. I say this because the amount of cash buyers looking to purchase a mobile home that needs repairs are few and far between. Your two-bedroom mobile home has to be nicer than others or significantly cheaper than other comparable mobile homes. If this describes your mobile home than great. Next we have to focus on advertising and marketing. Make sure your home is advertised as many places as you can. Make sure your home is listed online, off-line, in small newspapers, and even with yard signs around the area describing your two-bedroom handyman special for only $10,000. Once you get people walking through the home you can then hear from them who is serious and who is not. Also, you will hear for them that your price may be too high or too low. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any questions or follow concerns never hesitate to reach out. Always here to help you.
Talk soon,
My mother passed away, took in room mates not working out, need to sell can’t not make space rent. Own the Mobile. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, senior community, gated with security, rated top in Fresno ca. Needs minor work. Will due before final sale..can you help. ASAP
Hi Betty,
Thank you for reaching out concerning this issue. I regret to hear about your situation and your need for a fast sale. Due to the fact you are looking to sell ASAP I would suggest you price your home as competitive as possible. If you are looking for an all cash buyer then you will be competing with every other seller in your market. Your home should look nicer than the others and be 10 to 20% less in price. Your home is also in a senior community which will lower the amount of buyers available. Nevertheless it sounds like your home is in relatively fair condition and Fresno is a fairly popular city to live. My suggestion is to make sure the home is listed everywhere possible to attract as many buyers as possible. You should absolutely list your home online at sites such as Craigslist.com and sellfastbyowner.com, in your local small community newspaper, and even by hanging yard signs advertising your two bedroom two bath mobile home for sale and your phone number. Additionally, the park manager may be able to help find you a buyer. I hope this helps points you in the right direction. All the investors I know near your area are not currently purchasing in senior communities. This however may change in the near future, and if it does I will have them call you immediately. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
I just listed a beautiful, relatively new (2013) DW in upstate NY. My mom passed away and I’m looking for a quick sale. The downside is it’s in a senior park. There are lots of upsides including the size, newness, deck, ramp, and garage. The home was a 3/2 but being in a senior park there was little need for a small 3rd bedroom so it was removed and made into a larger living space. The home is like new, beautiful inside, has great large kitchen with stainless steel appliances and some furnishings. She paid 75k for it new 2.5 years ago and has added the deck, ramp, and garage so has close to 100k into it. Park rent is only $320 and includes mowing and snow removal. Would like to sell quickly and will entertain any reasonable offer. Thanks!!
Hi Steve,
I regret to hear about your mother’s passing. Thank you for reaching out and connecting concerning this issue. $320 and upstate New York sounds like a very good deal. Additionally I have no doubt that your mother’s almost brand-new double wide mobile home must look gorgeous. The manufactured homes that are being built these days are incredible and definitely rival many site built homes. With that said you are most likely going to be looking for someone who can pay all cash or go to a bank to get approved for a loan on this home. You will be competing against every other seller in your market who is selling a comparable home. My first advice is to make sure that your home is prettier than everyone else’s and also 10 to 20% lower in cost. Once the price is right you will need to market and advertise the home as many ways as you can. Make sure the home is listed online at this site, on Craigslist.com, in your local newspaper, even having small yard signs around the area advertising your beautiful mobile home for sale should increase for traffic. You may want to use the help of a realtor however make sure that if you find the buyer then the realtor fee will not be applied. With all that said there are only so many mobile home cash or bank approved buyers out there. You can also call up companies, such as local banks, Green Tree, and 21st mortgage – that will typically lend on newer mobile homes inside parks. It may be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the application process any serious buyer needs to go through to purchase your mobile home. It may even be wise to get a direct phone number to a loan originator that works in the company so you can send any serious buyers directly to this loan originator or broker. I hope this helps and makes sense.
I have left out a conversation concerning you selling the home for monthly payments. You are looking to sell close to $100,000 and I do not recommend you accepting payments for this amount, unless perhaps the buyer has over $50,000 to put down on the home.
I hope this helps him and point you in the right direction. If you have any additional questions or concerns never hesitate to follow up. Additionally, if I failed to answer any question then please don’t hesitate to comment back anytime. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Hi John!
Thanks for all the words of encouragement!
Actually, I have been reading your advice to other people and decided it was in my best interest to LISTEN! As a result, even though my mom put $100K into the home I have listed it on your site at only 59k. I know from your expert advice that being in a senior park limits the market as does my desire to not hold the note myself so I have priced it substantially below its value in order to make for a quick sale and close her estate. I apologize if my first post made it sound like I was expecting to get $100k for the home!
Honestly if I can clear 45-50K I’ll be happy and someone will get a fantastic home. I just figure being in upstate New York there is also a limited selling season before winter sets in so unless I want to be holding it I need to make “price” not an issue!
Hi Steven,
Thanks for following along and I’m very happy to help. Great feedback about reducing the price to make it more attractive to serious buyers. I certainly agree with your sentiment about there being a buying season before the winter comes. Keep in touch I wish you a fast sale. If you have any questions or concerns never hesitate to comment back. All the best.
Talk soon,
Have a buyer getting financing online at 21st Mortgage. We own the trailer & have title but pay rent to the military base for the space. Buyer will keep home on the base. When we close the deal, does the buyer have to pay sales tax in Arkansas on used home at the Revenue Office? We have the taxes pd up to date & everything is free & clear but just not clear on what steps need to be taken to finalize everything & keep costs down for buyer. Would it have to be appraised for the finance company? Are there closing costs like for a regular home for either party? Or is it like selling a vehicle & we just sign the title over?
Hi Brenda,
Thank you for reaching out concerning your mobile home questions. Congratulations on selling your mobile home! In Arkansas a mobile home sale and transfer is very similar to selling a motor vehicle. In most cases your buyer is the one who will pay transfer taxes moving the home from the current ownership over to their ownership. Here is a number to call the state and asked them your specific questions. 501-682-4692 make sure to let them know about your situation, that you are private party selling to another private party. Then feel free to ask all the questions that you desire. Making sure you understand everything moving forward is key so perhaps gather all your questions before calling to make things easier for everybody. I hope this helps and point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out.
Talk soon,
Hi currently My husband and I have a mortgage through 21st century on our mobile home. It is a 1995 DW 3 bd /2 bth. Recently repainted interior and new flooring. We are wanting to sell it is located in a Mobile home park in West Lafayette, Indiana. The lot rent is $380 monthly. We have had the loan for only 3 years and it is a 15 year loan. The Balance still owed is $26 k. We are wanting to sell and be able to get into a 4 bd house in our area in the year to 2 years at the latest. I would like to know the best way to accomplish this, if you could give me any pointers or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Hi Cindy,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting today concerning your issue. I’d be happy to help give you any suggestions and perhaps point you in the right direction. Your home is from the 1990s which is relatively new. Reselling the home you may even likely find a lender that will lend money to your new buyer for this home. Additionally, you have a three bedroom two bathroom home. This is very good as most buyers are looking for three bedroom homes these days. Your back is slightly against the wall because you can really not sell your home for less than you owe, unless you don’t mind bringing money to the closing table. Additionally it is good to see that you are not in a super rush to sell the home. Some sellers I talked to need to be out of their home in the next 90 days or less. This makes it difficult to find a qualified buyer and sell their home for a reasonable price in such a short period of time.
In order to sell your home to a cash buyer you will be competing with every other seller in your market looking for a cash buyer. Because there are only a small amount and finite number of cash buyers and qualified buyers in your area your property will have to be prettier than the competitions and for sale 10% to 20% below the competitions prices. Once you have the price and terms attractive you will want to start advertising and marketing the home to his many possible people as you can. Make sure the home is listed for sale on this site and sites like Craigslist.com. Also make sure to be in your local small newspaper and even have small signs around your ZIP Code advertising your home for sale in your phone number. Because you have alone it will be difficult for you to sell your home with monthly payments in most cases. This is a reason I keep mentioning that you will be looking for a cash buyer or a buyer willing to go through a bank.
I hope this helps him and gives you an idea of the steps moving forward. If you have any questions or concerns about realtors or anything else to do with your mobile home do not ever hesitate to reach out again. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
3 bedroom redone roof 9000. Cash
My wife and I want to sell 1990 Schult 18×60 2bed 2bath SW, new washer/dryer, replaced ac/furnace 4 yrs ago. Located in Hodgkins, Il. mobile park rented property.. What would you suggest an asking price range?
Hi Ggmshoes,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting concerning your issue. If you have taken care of your home then it will most likely be attractive to most buyers. However if you are looking for an all cash sale then you will be competing against every other mobile home seller in your market. With that said there are not many buyers so you will have to price your mobile home 10% below the market competition and your home should be prettier than the competitions.
I want to make sure that you sell your home for as much as possible so I do not want to tell you a specific number you should aim to sell for. Sales very around the country and even around your local city. Based on what is for sale locally in your community and even depending on the time of the year, your prices will very. In addition to selling for an attractive price make sure that you advertise everywhere you can. The more people that see your home for sale the better. Make sure to advertise online sites like this one and Craigslist.com. Also in your local newspaper and community flyers. Signs on the side of the road that have your for-sale information and phone number or a good idea as well.
I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or later down the road never hesitate to reach back out. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Hello. I am interested in selling my mobile home. I am unable to follow all six steps thru my phone as the links appear to be either broken or missing. Ideas? 1991 Destiny Doublewide 24×40.
Hi healer,
I would be happy to help. Please email us a description of your home including the address your contact information and the selling price and I will go head and make sure it is uploaded to the site. Also please email over pictures you would like included in the listing. You can email us at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net. I hope this helps.
Talk soon,
I purchased a mh two years ago. It is a 2010 3/2. I want to sell because I am wanting to relocate. The home will also need to be moved because it is on family land. How do I get started?
Thank you for reaching out and commenting concerning your issue. Your home sounds very new and it is a very good that it is a three bedroom. Three bedrooms are typically most desirable in many areas. Because the home will need to be removed from the land it is sitting on you will typically have to sell for a discount. I encourage you to either aim for a very attractive purchase price for your buyer or to consider moving the mobile home into a local community and selling it once set up at its new address. How soon will you need this home moved? Make sure to advertise as many places as you can. Make sure to advertise online, off-line, and even hanging small signs around town with your home details and phone number. What price will you be asking for the home? In many areas most buyers don’t have more than five or $10,000 in most cases. With that said your mobile home likely qualifies for bank financing once it set up in a mobile home community or on private land. However when a mobile home has to be moved it is tough to get bank financing. I hope this helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out.
Talk soon,
I have a 2002 Fleetwood home in a park in Topeka, KS. It is listed with the park property managers. I want to know all of my options to get a quick sale. It has been on the market for over 60 days.. Thank you.
Hi Ken,
Thanks so much for reaching out concerning your issue. Being at your home is only a 2002 model, your property is likely in very good condition and can even be approved for bank financing with the right buyer. With that said you are competing against every other mobile home seller that is looking for a cash buyer. In the Topeka area there is only a limited amount of buyers with 5000, 10,000, or even $20,000. In order for your property to sell quickly it must be prettier than the competitions and for sale 10% to 20% below comparable prices. This way a cash buyer will choose your home to purchase because it is the best value. In addition to making the price and home attractive for your future buyer, you should also advertises many ways as possible. Make sure you are advertising online at sites like Craigslist and the site, off-line in local newspapers, and even by hanging yard signs around town advertising your property for sale in your phone number. In short you want as many people to see your message as possible. If you have any further follow-up questions or comments never hesitate to write back. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Hello I have a 1997 Manufactured home set up in a park located in Desoto Tx. I want to sell in order to purchase a bigger house. Can you please assist me in getting it sold. asap, in order for me to move forward. . my email is hughes_robin@yahoo.com my phone is 214-228-6942. I appreciate your time and your assistance…Thank you
Hi Trubblunyr,
Thank you so much for commenting and reaching out. I see that you may be living in the Dallas area. This is the case you are in a great area for reselling your mobile home. There is a lot of demand in Dallas and you should have no trouble selling if the price is set accordingly and the property is attractive. With all that said you want to make sure that you get your message in front of as many eyes as possible. Make sure your properties listed online at sites like this one and Craigslist.com, also listed in your small community newspaper, and even hanging yard signs around town advertising your home for sale in your phone number. The more people that walk through your home the better. If you wish to email me the information of your home; such as, numbers of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, repairs needed, asking price, condition, location, if this is in a mobile home park? I would be very happy to forward your information to local investors I have in the Dallas area.
Talk soon,
I have a buyer for my mobile home, park states I cannot close until the skirting is taken care of and they inspect again and also approval of the new buyer to live in the park. Is this
true? I have hired for it to be reskirted and the buyer has applied and paid $30 to get approval and management is saying they haven’t approved everything yet so I can’t close.
Can I close anyway its my home.
Hi Marilyn,
Thank you for commenting and reaching out concerning this issue. Your answer is yes, and also no. I will explain in this comment what I mean. First, congratulations on finding a buyer that is happy to purchase your mobile home.
The park probably has it written in their lease agreement that they can slow down or stop your selling of the mobile home until they have inspected the inside and outside of the mobile home and it meets their liking or reasonable park standards. Most parks do not do this, however some parks do. I would check your lease agreement and park rules to see if this wording and inspection clause is in there. With that said, the park most likely can inspect your home and stop the sale. Also, almost every mobile home park will require your buyer to become approved before they purchased the mobile home. The park simply wants to know who will be renting land within their walls. Most parks wouldn’t want a sexual predator, violent criminals, or somebody with a lot of evictions in their community… With that said some communities don’t care at all.
Now that you know what the park wants to see, you can absolutely (technically) sell your mobile home and collect money from the sale before the home is approved by the park or the buyer is approved to move in. If you do this then you will be passing these problems along to your buyer. The park manager does want them to get approved first so this may start off the buyer’s relationship with the park manager in a negative way. To be safe I would not advise this however it is one path that you may potentially choose.
I hope this all helps and makes sense. If you have any comments or questions never hesitate to reach back out. Also, if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to comment back.
Talk soon,
John, I am wondering if you can help.. I have a 1994 3 bedroom/2bath 1800 sq ft mobil home I want to put up for sale. I still owe 36k on home and land. Wondering if possible to sell just home and keep the land for investment purposes. I have taken a job that I am moving out of state. If I get a good enough offer I will sell land also. I had house/land appraised in 2010 before I refinanced and it appraised at 87k. Land is 4.97 acres in crystal springs ms. Since that appraisal we had redone the interior in 2013. New carpet, new appliances, paint thruout, new light fixtures, replaced back door with french door and modified washroom to make it bigger. Still need to finish some minor work, big back porch with concrete pad on back of house, any suggestions as to where to start? Thanks so much for your time
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for reaching out concerning this issue. Congratulations on thinking outside the box and aiming to sell this mobile home but keep the land. Is the land and the mobile home join together with one legal description? Do you know if the loan and mortgage are attached to the mobile home and the piece of land? Or just the mobile home?
Either way I would advise you to first start by calling the code and zoning offices. You’ll want to find out the process for separating your mobile home and parcel of land if they are legally joined into one legal description. You will not be able to separate the two until the mortgage and loan have been satisfied if they are attached to the land and the mobile home. However when this loan is paid in full you may be able to legally separate the mobile home and the land. This would mean that the land has a unique legal description and the mobile home has a physical title again (depending on your state… What state are you in?).
If you find a buyer than they will have to satisfy the entire note before you are able to provide them clear title. With that said you will be able to sell your mobile home with payments for $36,000 in most areas. You will likely be able to sell the home for a higher price if you’re willing to take payments. With that said you may be able to sell for a higher price with cash depending on your area.
This is certainly a bit to think about however you are in a good position and should be able to resell the home as you wish and retain the land for your own investment. You will likely charge the buyer of this mobile home lot rent they decide to keep the mobile home on the land. I hope this helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back any time. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Hello I want to sell my trailer house and it seems am having a hard time trying to sell it .
Can you please help me ? Am in Texas
Hi Mollie,
Thank you for commenting and reaching out for further assistance. Please make sure that your site is uploaded to sites like this one and also Craigslist.com. Please email me a detailed email about the condition of your home, the size of your home, how much you are asking, and the address. I’ll be happy to fill you in on some strategies that may help you attract a buyer sooner than later. Additionally, if I’ve any local investors in the area I will definitely send them over to your home to make you a fast and friendly offer. Please feel free to comment or question back with any concerns moving forward. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
I am looking to sell my mobile home. I just purchased a little under 6 acres with a mobile home on it. My goal is to build and to get to my goal I need the down payment for construction. I found a mobile home buyer which will buy the mobile home and lease it back to me for 4 months during the construction of the new home. Im looking for another quote and I wasn’t sure if your company does this type of transactions.
Best Regards,
Rayann Daniel
Hi Rayann,
Thank you for reaching out concerning your issue. First things first, I am very glad to hear that you already have a plan to move forward and that your home seems quite desirable. What area of the country are you located in? If I know of a local mobile home investor I will certainly point them towards your property. With that said it sounds like you already working with an investor who is flexible enough to lease you back the property for four months and solve your problems. If you let me know the area that you are and I’d be happy to point any local investor in your direction.
Talk soon,
Hi John,
I have a 2014 14′ x 48′ 1 bdrm. 1 bath home in a small(ish) park (60 homes) that’s on a popular all-sports lake. My home is small by necessity, as the lot only had room for a 50′ home. It’s basically a seasonal vacation-type park, although it’s open and accessable year round. My home was ordered with MANY extras, and I’ve got about $42k into it (base home was $35k). It’s owned by me, with no lien. It’s in perfect condition, having been only used on the weekends. What price range would I expect from an investor?
Thanks for any input!
Hi Bill,
Great-looking one bedroom home. The home is practically new and the size seems quite spacious for a one-bedroom. One-bedrooms are typically tougher to sell because there are only certain type of folks that are looking for a one-bedroom. With that said your home is obviously very nice and should be purchased by somebody who wants to place it in a nice area and love this home for many many years to come. I would think a local dealer may pay the most for this home. A mobile home park may pay a fair amount as well. An investor would likely need to purchase this home for $15,000 or less to make it worth their time. If the home was a two-bedroom or three-bedroom I would have different numbers for you. I hope this helps and makes a bit of sense. I hope you find a buyer that loves the home just as much as you did and will pay your asking price. Keep this home advertised in as many markets and mediums as you can. Make sure it is advertised online, on Craigslist.com, in the local newspaper, and even with yard signs around town advertising the home for sale in your phone number. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Wanna sell.my double wide trailer & don’t have a clue how to, I want to move because this past July the love of my life lost his battle with cancer in my back bedroom & don’t feel like I’m going to recover living here, we also have a 7 yr old daughter that has also seen her dad sick & suffer, so feel like it’s in our best interest to move…thank you
Hi Kimberly,
Thank you so much for commenting and reaching out with your concern. I very much regret to hear about the loss you and your family suffered. With regards to selling your mobile home, that completely makes sense about not wishing to be around this location in order to process things and move forward. We are going into the winter months so depending on what state you are in the resale market may be a bit slower. With that said there are certainly buyers in the market that are looking to purchase a nice quality mobile home for a good deal. When you wish to sell your mobile home for “all-cash” you will be competing against all the other sellers in your market. Your home should be as pretty as the competitions, and 10% to 20% cheaper in price. This will help incentivize a buyer to say yes quickly. Once the price and home are attractive you should advertise and market your mobile home for sale as thoroughly as possible. Make sure you list the home for sale online such as this website and Craigslist.com, also in small local community newspapers, and even placing yard signs around town advertising your home for sale and phone number. The more people walking through your home the better. You may even wish to hire a realtor if one is available locally to help sell your mobile home. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
I can’t seem to register with this site, every time I try it keeps sending me a link to click on, when I click on the link it says invalid password. I have done this several times, so I will post here I have a 2 bdrm 1 bath mobile home that is for sale. We are asking $15,000 O.B.O. We NEED TO SELL IT FAST. It has central/forced heating, a large deck. A good sized front and back yard with a fire pit. It is minutes to the Umpqua River.
It will come with a Washer dryer, dishwasher, stove, refrigerator. It has 2 ceiling fans, and 2 ac units. There is a ramp which leads up to the mobile home. Rent space is $335 a month which includes W/T/.S. It is located in a mobile home park in Umpqua Co-operative. It is a very family friendly park of all ages. Located a top a hill. Pets are allowed but no pets over 20 lbs. Also mobile home park ruling NO pitbulls or Rottweilers. If interested Pls give me a call @ 808-626-5320. Looking forward to hearing from you fine folks.
Hi Gary,
Thanks for reaching out and commenting concerning this issue. I apologize about the technical issue your been having about uploading your property. I will create an account for you and upload the information you provided on this comment. However please email me at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net with a handful of pictures of the mobile home for sale. I will put these pictures along with your listing so that you will receive most calls as possible. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
We are looking to sell our beautifully remodeled Cavco manufactured home. We are located in Mesa, AZ. We purchased this home 2 years ago and paid cash. It was in decent condition when purchased and includes a 20 x 23′ enclosed 4-season Arizona room, 10 x 18′ storage area, a covered 12 x 16′ patio, and a double-wide carport. We are in a 55+ gated community. We own the home, but not the land. We don’t want to use the community real estate group as they are charging the same percent as what you would pay on a stick home. Feel this is too much as we don’t own the land, just the home. Open for suggestions. Thanks.
Hi Diane,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your home and concerns. I agree with you that this company may be overcharging for their services. I agree that if you do not have to use their services, you should aim to sell it yourself. It is important that your home is priced competitively. Aim to have your home for sale 10% to 20% below the competition of comparable homes for sale on the market. Additionally, make sure you are advertising in as many mediums as possible. Online at this site, Craigslist.com, mhvilliage.com, and off-line with your local small community newspaper or want advertisement magazine. Also signs around town advertising your home for sale in your phone number can be a good idea as well. If you are open to sell your home with payments you will likely be able to find a low risk and approved buyer much quicker than waiting for a purchaser with all cash or bank approved financing. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out. Always here to help. Talk soon, John
I am trying to find the value of my mobile prior to listing. I have had two local agents stop by and give opinions but I feel they are high and looking for a listing then maybe hitting the value to the down side after they have a buyer. Is there anyone in So. Cal,.Riverside County who I can reach out to and purchase a 3rd party appraisal that would not be used for the future borrower but would only assist me in ascertaining a approx. value ?
Hi Medinaaf,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting concerning this issue. I agree with you that many real estate agents may mention a “higher than realistic” asking price for your home, only to excite you into signing a listing contract with them. Assuming your mobile home is inside of a community, my first thought would be to ask your local mobile home community manager as to what price you believe your home could sell for in the next few months. You may also wish to ask local park managers – make sure the mobile home parks are comparable in age and quality as the home and park you live in. Besides local park managers you can absolutely call local real estate appraisers to find if they can point you in the direction of a local appraiser that specializes in manufactured homes. Lastly, if the mobile home is located inside of a community you can go here to obtain a NADA value of the home. http://www.nadaguides.com/Manufactured-Homes Keep in mind the condition and local real estate economy will have a lot to do with the asking and sales price of your home. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Hello John,
We need to sell our mobile home quickly as we moved out of 10 months ago. It is in a family park in Vermont. We did a lot of work on it over the summer, and it is in good shape. Do you know of any buyers/investors in our area who would be interested? Thank you.
Hi Byron,
Thank you for reaching out concerning your home for sale. We are going into the winter months so things may get even slower with regards to selling your mobile home for an all-cash sale. Early next year and tax time is when more people will have disposable cash to purchase mobile homes. I do not know of any investors currently working in Vermont. I tried to locate a phone number for a real estate investment club in your state and I could not find one. I suggest you check meetup.com for any local real estate investing clubs in your area.
Besides selling to an investor it is important to get your message out to everyone that is potentially looking to purchase a mobile home. You want to make your offer attractive and saturate the area with advertising online and off-line. Keep in touch and if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out.
Talk soon,
I am looking for an investor to buy my mobile home fast.
Hi Tania,
Thanks for reaching out and commenting. You definitely came to the right place. If you have not done so already please create an account and upload your property to advertise to local investors and buyers in your area. Additionally, make sure your advertising off-line and online at other websites as well. If you’re looking for a investor specifically to purchase your mobile home than I would highly encourage you to look for a local real estate investment club that likely happens weekly or monthly in your area. You can find these local clubs on Meetup.com and nationalreia.com. When you find a local club meeting you may attend and advertise your property for sale at a great value. If there is a phone number associated with the club you may also wish to call up and ask if there any mobile home specific investors in the area that you could have call you. I hope this all helps and makes sense. If you have any fall questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
I’ve been looking into real estate investing for about a month now and just recently discovered mobile home investing from seeing you on bigger pockets. I have about 4,000 Dollars saved up which seems to be an ample amount to do these types of homes. However, I find myself very intimidated by it all and scared to jump in. Main reason being there’s very little information, that I’ve found, on insurance for mobile homes and taxes. I was wondering if its your responsibility to provide the insurance or the buyers, in a rent to own situation. As well as how you do your taxes (quarterly, yearly, ect.) and since they write you one check for the lot fee plus rent how do you go about claiming that.
Hi Stephen,
Thanks so much for reaching out and commenting with your questions. I’m very glad that you found my site as well. I hope that the articles and videos have been valuable to you thus far. If you are scared to jump in it means that you are lacking clarity and confused in some aspect of this business. With regards to insurance, you will need to disclose to your buyer what you will and will not be doing if you place insurance on the property yourself. However, if them tenant is a homeowner then they will need to place homeowners insurance on the property for you to be covered in case there are damages or complete destruction to the property. With regards to your tax question, I am certainly not a CPA or tax professional in the slightest. However you should pay taxes on the amount of net profit you have received, not the gross. I hope this all helps and makes sense to you. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out to me here or by emailing me directly.
Talk soon,
how do i contact you
Hi Stacey,
Thank you for reaching out. You may always contact me at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net.
Talk soon,
Two bedroom, one bath, mobile home. Year1990. Need sold an moved as soon as possible. Asking 500 for it.
I’m selling a mobile home in Selkirk NY. I am asking $11,500* or best offer, *without appliances*. It will need a new furnace, otherwise home is in good condition. It would be nice to sell the home before spring.
I’m unable to upload photos keep getting this error message “Error: -601, Message: File extension error., File: bonus rm2.jpeg”-Any help would be appreciated!
Hi Akeown,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting. I apologize about the error message that you are receiving. I would be very happy to help. It does not seem that anyone else is receiving this error message so my thought is if you are able to create an advertisement with your contact information, description of the property, asking price, and other pertinent details, I would be happy to approve this advertisement for the website. Additionally, please send over any pictures you wish to be uploaded to this ad over to support@mobilehomeinvesting.net. Once I receive these pictures I will upload them to your advertisement and publish it accordingly. I hope this makes sense and helps. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
I have a three bedroom, 2 bath double wide mobile home. Just looking for someone to take over notes. Must be moved off the current property.
Hi Crystal,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting with your question about someone to take over your note. Based on your email it looks like you are located in Louisiana. While I do have active investors in the area I do not know anyone that will purchase the note on your property. Perhaps with a 50% discount off the face value this would be of interest however most of the folks I work with are looking to purchase the properties and not simply the notes. With that said, there are absolutely no buyers that might be interested in your property’s note. My suggestion is for you to put an ad on Craigslist.com that will advertise this note for sale. With this in the real estate section and the miscellaneous section of Craigslist for sure. In addition, you may also want to check out local real estate investor in clubs around your area. You can at least call this local organization to see if they have any note buyers that might be interested in your type of property. You can find more information of real estate investor associations here. http://nationalreia.org/find-a-reia I hope this all helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
I’m needing to sell my 1977 Parkview mobile home. It is a 14×60. We installed a new water heater that is only 2 yrs old. Kitchen floor, hallway and bathroom floors have been replaced. It isn’t central air but we have 3 window units that would go with the mobile home. Can you please help and if you can’t could you direct me to somebody that might be able to. I’m in desperate need due to landlord selling the property. Thank you
Hi Sharil,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Although your home is a bit older it certainly sounds like you kept it in a very decent shape. With that said I do have an investor in and around your area that may be very interested in this property. I will forward her your information so she may email you directly in the coming hours or days. I hope this helps cure and resolve the situation. I regret to hear about your park closing and you having to move so abruptly. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
I own a 1982 Commodore Paramount DBL Wide 2bdrm 2b at 5303 E Twain Ave Spc 63 Las Vegas, NV 89122 @ the Cabana Mobile home Park. I am turning 76yrs and wish to move closer to family and would like to sell my home by June 1st of this yr. My phone # is 702-569-4506
Hi Gail,
Thank you so much for commenting and reaching out. I will have a local investor by the name of “Michael” reach out and give you a call if he is interested in your property. I will forward over your information to him shortly. Additionally, please take the time to upload any pictures you can and fill out a profile page if possible. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out to me anytime. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
I have a large single wide, I believe it may be the largest single available. My son/wife are living in it and I pay the note. Its a 2005 and has quality materials such as siding, real wood cabinets, sheet rock walls, and shingled roof. Very good condition. We need to sell it as soon as he can get out, but not until he is ready to move. I will need to sell it about the same time. It is on his grandmothers land. So, best situation is to sell it to get it off the property. I live out of town and do not want to rent it out. And I owe just under $18k on it. What do you suggest?
Hi Julie,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. You sound like you have a great home. 2005 is certainly newer and if it is great shape it should be desirable to many buyers that get get approved for a loan or buy with cash. Because you need quick sale I would encourage you to advertise the home as much as possible online and offline as well. There are few websites that target MH buyers and investors. This site and Craisglist and MHVillage.com are all good sites to list your home for sale. Also, I encourage you to reach out to local MH dealership and 5 star parks as well. Sometimes these dealers and nearby parks will purchase a home from you to them move to a piece of land or with a park nearby. If you have any follow up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reahc back out anytime. I hope my thoughts above have helped some and give you a bit more info to move forward with. Keep in touch. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Happy Weekend John , I got you through on sellfastbyowner.com website and I decided to reach you through , Well My uncle has a mobile home motor in Arizona and it has 26 thousand miles left .. I would be glad if you can help him get a buyer for it and you could ask me anything you need to know about the Home ..
Sincerely Anita
Hi Anita,
Thank you for commenting and reaching out. Were you able to fill out a profile and upload pictures on this website concerning your uncles property? You mentioned that it is a “mobile home motor” what do you mean by a motor? You mean at this is an RV with an engine that moves down the highway? Please reply with any comments and follow-up questions you have and I’ll be happy to help you from there.
Talk soon,
Any lookers in Maine???? We have a 2013 Mobile home, literally brand new. Only lived in for 4 months in a park. Also, how long is the “free trial”?
Hi Freda,
We absolutely do have some main mobile home investors here as well as some occasional buyers for sure. When possible, please feel free to make a profile and add your property description and images and contact information onto the website. As long as your home is listed within the free trial. It can remain on the site free as long as needed. I hope this helps and answers your questions. Out of curiosity I am curious why you are looking to sell after only four months? Your home is practically new. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Hi Judy,
At the current moment this is a free service. As long as you have your property uploaded when this service is still “free” you will never be asked to pay anything to advertise your property on this website. I hope this helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
1981 Colonade 14×70 w/ex-pando (New metal roof 2016),Deck on front, Porch on back,2 bed, 2 bath, Laundry Room, Open floor Plan, Fireplace,Gas furnace, New h.w.h, (2016) Refrigerator, Oven, Dishwasher, Garbage Disposal, All New Window Screens, (2016) Newer Carpet, Newer Flooring, 2 A/C Window Units Stay, 2 New Vanity’s in Baths, 2 New Toilette’s. Exterior painted 2015. We made this Home Nice because we planned to retire here. However, we are buying a home near our Grand Children.instead. We LOVED this VERY NICE HOME, & the GREAT LOCATION. You will not find an older home that is Nicer than this one. VERY CLEAN! Selling CHEAP. Will Accept Reasonable Offer.
Hi John, We have someone coming to look at our home tonight. He must be a serious buyer because he is traveling a few hours to get here. He wants to move the home off site. We have the title free & clear. We did sign a years lease for lot rent, so I’m sure we will have to pay the remaining months. The park had sent us something (a few years ago) about that they would have first choice to purchase the home in that situation. Would they have to pay us the same amount our buyer was going to pay? We are closing on our new house Aug. 8th,2016 & need to get this deal done quickly. Any advise you could offer would be greatly appreciated! Our home is in East Village Estates, Washington Michigan. Thank you so much for your time sensitive response! Keri (dearface63)
Hi Keri,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I hope you found this potential buyer within only a matter of a few hours after listing your property for sale. This would certainly indicate you are in a sellers-market. You will have to alert the park you are moving however you will not likely have to pay for the months you will not be there. This is fairly standard in apartments however not so much with regards to mobile home parks. However, if your park has a “first right of refusal clause” then anything might be possible. Let the park manager know you will be having people interested in the property and sending them there to get approved. Every parks procedure is a bit different so the park managers should be able to help you through this process. I hope the park manager is helpful and cooperative instead of standing in your way and vindictive for some reason. While these are my first initial thoughts they may or may not have been the ones you are looking for with regards to help. If you have any specific questions never hesitate to reach out again. All the best.
Talk soon,
Hi John,
I am looking for an investor to buy my mobile home I live in VA my double wide is parked on a rented lot.
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your home for sale. I very much encourage you to list your property on this website for free. Additionally, make sure you have a Craigslist listing advertising your home for sale as well. As a last resort reach out and call your local real estate investors associations. You can find more information about these clubs located nearby at the following website. http://nationalreia.org/find-a-reia/ Contact the president and let them know you are a motivated mobile home seller on rented land in a park. They will aim to put you in touch with any local and active mobile home investors. The park may also likely purchase the home from you, but for next to nothing in most cases if they do. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
I have a double-wide mobile home that needs roof repairs and some inside work due to the leak damage. I live in the country, on a back road, very peaceful. I have 2.03 acres and would like to move back to the city. Need to sell immediately. I do owe on the home.
Hi Melissa,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much encourage you to list your property on this website for free. Additionally, make sure you have a Craigslist listing advertising your home for sale as well. As a last resort reach out and call your local real estate investors associations. You can find more information about these clubs located nearby at the following website. http://nationalreia.org/find-a-reia/ Contact the president and let them know you are a motivated mobile home seller on land. They will aim to put you in touch with any local and active mobile home investors. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Manufactured Home built in 2001 purchased by husband and wife in 2003 in New York State. Husband dies in 2015. Title in both names. Wife wants to sell. Is there a right of survivorship which transfers full ownership to the wife.
Hi Ann,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Yes, from my experience a full right of ownership will transfer directly to the wife. With that said a son or daughter of the husband can certainly sue for partial ownership if they wish to. I say this only because anyone can sue for almost anything whether right or wrong. This doesn’t mean it will go through or the judge will side with them however the court case can certainly be filed. I hope this makes sense and helps answer your question. If you have any other follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Hey John, my name is Luigi and I have a situation were in March of 2016 I moved in to a mobile home, were my brothers girlfriend grandma owns. They decided to move to another city to pretty much fallow my brother and the grandma decided to retire. Upon me moving in to the mobile home they were already 3 months behind on their mortgage and that’s because they wanted nothing to do with the mobile home. Their plan was to just loose the mobile home and quit paying so I had to make a quick decision to move in and pay the 3 months that they were behind, I figure that this type of deal doesn’t happen everyday. They didn’t want a down payment or anything, all they said if u want it u can have it, just move in and make payments. But recently my brothers girlfriend tells me that they want us to switch the home to my name by the end of the year. They don’t want to make money out of the house, all they want is removed their name from the mobile home and transfer it to me. The problem is that 32,000 dollars is still owe on the house, and my credit score is at 540 and I doubt that I qualify for a loan at the moment. So my question is how can I switch everything to my name including the mortgage loan to my name or what are my options with my bad credit. (Plz help) this house is in California and it was built in 2005 its probably worth about 50-60 Thousand dollars
Sent from my iPhone
Thanks john you answer my question already earlier today. No need to answer it again
Hi Luigi,
Very happy to help. If there is anything else never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
I need to sell my mobile home asap, I live in Las Vegas Nevada. I own the trailer but not the land it sits on. I am having problems with the park manager, she is evicting me because my husband has a motorcycle and leaves for work at 4am they say it’s not allowed, my daughter is on vacation from college and they don’t want her here without being here without being on the lease. I want out and I’m willing to sell cheap.
Hi Teresa,
Thank you for connecting reaching out. I very much regret to hear about you and your husband situation. I will forward over your information to a local mobile home investor in your area. Hopefully this investor will call you quickly about your property. Moving forward if you have any additional questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
I have a mobile home that was built in 1977 that I need removed from a lot on the lake. Would a local mobile home park possibly have any interest in removing the mobile home if we just gave them the mobile home?
Hi Will,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In my experience many mobile home parks will not be interested in purchasing your home and moving it to their property unless they can get a very very good deal, if they are interested at all. I say this last part because many mobile home owners and operators are quite lazy and will not even move a home to their property if you give it to them for free. With that said if the home is in very good shape and a single wide this could make it more attractive to the park. I would definitely encourage you to call almost every mobile home park within a 20 mile radius of you to see if they would be interested in purchasing your property. Another route you may want to go is to Google search “mobile home movers and transporters in my city”. If you can talk to local mobile home moving companies they may know of mobile home parks that are actively looking to move in mobile homes or fill up their community. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
I have an absolutely beautiful 1999 mobile home that has been completely renovated, updated, and modernized. You could stack it up against any other standard home and it will come out as a favorite. It is in one of the best mobile home parks in Avon, Indiana. The lot rent is very reasonable as well. It is priced to sell at $35000. If interested, or you know of someone who would be, contact me asap. I can supply pictures and more information. Thank you..
Hi Russell,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your property for sale. It sounds like you have put a lot of time, love, and capital into renovating this manufactured home. Very glad to hear that lot rent is reasonable for the area. $35,000 may be a bit too expensive for many investors to pay for mobile home inside of a pre-existing community, however you may be able to get this price from an end-user that plans to live in the home and raise their family. Upload your property to this website as it is frequented by investors as well as people who are looking to purchase homes to move into. If you are able to sell on monthly payments you may likely be able to sell for a higher price than your current asking amount. I hope this all helps and make sense. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Additionally, if you need any help uploading your property or pictures to this website never hesitate to let me know. Always happy to help if I can.
Talk soon,
I just posted a 1999 2bd/2bth home on here, really need a fast sale so I’m swallowing a loss on it at $16000. Its in the beautiful lake side town of Stevensville MI. Lot rent is reasonable and one of the lowest in the area for the standard of the park. My aunt is going into a maintenance free community and I can’t afford to manage both rents, so very very eager to let it go asap. If anyone is interested. thanks
Hi Deetouhy,
Thank you for reaching out and submitting your mobile home to this website. I will go head and send this out to any local investors in your area. I will also send this over social media as well. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns of any kind never hesitate to reach out. Always here to help if I can. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
My Double Wide Mobile Home is seeking a builder. It has been renovated = New Roof, 3 Doors have been widen, New AC Unit. Please Contact Me If Interested.
I have an older 2/1.5 on 5 acres in North Pole, Alaska. The assessment is $56,619 with most of that being the land. It was $62,000 last year. I am moving out of the country and need to sell it immediately. I owe $37,216 on it and HAVE to get $41,000 for it. Any suggestions?
Hi Sunshine Wright,
Thanks for taking the time to comment about your property. I love the fact that there is a place called North Pole, Alaska. It is not good that you need to sell immediately. I mention this because you are between a rock and a hard place. My first suggestion would be to make sure that you are advertising this in as many places as possible. Make sure that everyone who could possibly want 5 acres knows that you have the property for sale and will take $45,000 firm. Also call local investors in the area as they may be able to help you as well. You should be able to find some of these real estate investors with the help of Google searching “real estate investor North Pole Alaska”. Because you still owe on the property you may have to get creative with the sale if you want to leave immediately. I mention this because if somebody does not have $45,000 cash or is able to be bank approved, they traditionally would not be able to purchase your land. However if you are willing to sell the home via payments with owner financing that could certainly allow more interested buyers to be able to purchase your property. Keep in mind they would obviously put down a good down payment in order to owner finance your land. I hope this all helps and makes a bit of sense. You will likely have follow-up questions and other concerns for sure. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
I have two conjoining lots that equal just under an acre of land. Three mobile homes on this land. All must go. I’m trying to help my mother sell because it’s too much for just her to care for now. One small “silver bullet” mobile home with 1 bed 1 bath with an add on living room and porch. One single wide 2 bed 1 bath with an add on game room and one double wide 3 bed 2 1/4 bath with an add on great room and laundry room. Concrete patio and driveway and the entire property is gated. It’s difficult to post this on for sale by owner sites because the properties are listed separately but we are selling the whole thing together. We’re asking $250,000 for everything as is. Can your site help?
Hi Tanya Sonoqui,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed message is the certainly does help me answer your question a bit more. First things first, I regret to hear about your mother’s health condition and her needing to sell this land/homes package. This site is mainly frequented by individual mobile home investors and mobile home buyers, however there are mobile home park investors that are looking at this site as well and may be interested in your mother’s property. With that said I do not know the area, condition, net operating income, expenses, etc. of your mother’s small community and therefore I do not know if your asking price is competitive or outrageous. With that said if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns of any kind with this website or selling your small community never hesitate to reach out any time. Always happy to help if I can. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
I have a 3 bedroom 2 bath 14′ x 70′ single wide trailer for sale. It has a shed, a carport, and a deck. The parking fits 3 cars. Has hardwood in the main area, and carpet in the bedrooms. Comes with fridge, stove, dishwasher, and laundry washer and dryer. Has a large living space. Has quite neighbors, is close to gas station, Wal-Mart and Tops! Asking 25,000, move in ready!
I have a beautiful mobile home I want to sell.
Mobile home for sale asking price $22,500.
2 bedrooms and 2 Bath shower and tub combo. The other bath is a walk in shower with seating with beautiful stone tiling, 1200 square feet, new furniture throughout the home. Everything is on one floor it’s spacious but at the same time its low maintenance.
Master bedroom has a walk in closet with plenty of storage space.
Year built 1974 it’s a garden lot located on a culd de sak lot.
A spacious furnished screened in Florida room, nice view of the back yard and a shared Gazebo.
Remodeled inside year 2015. All appliances are 3 years old. Central air updated March 2017.
Washer and Dryer included and good size storage shed.
The carport is new and re-painted inside and outside May 2015.
Ranchero Village it’s a 55 years and up community only. This park has a lot to offer.
3 Swimming pools, Golf Course, Tennis Court. Spa Jacuzzi and a gym.
A fishing pond a monthly calendar of daily activities .
Anyone interested in purchasing this home has to have a background and a credit
history check first. Maintenance. Fee $621.64 monthly for unlimited use of our many amenities, garbage, recycling, lawn care and sewer. Water about $10 monthly.
This would be a great investment too. You could rent it out monthly, seasonally.
Starting at $980.00 to 1220.00 a month.
Reason I’m selling it’s hard to be a landlord when you live in another state.
Here is there website. http://www.rancherovillage.com
can I sell my mobile home in this site I live in Las Vegas
Hi Janeth,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I hope you and your family and friends are safe after the horrific shooting that recently happened. While most answers and real estate is, “it depends”, I do not see why you could not sell your mobile home in Las Vegas. Please feel free to reply back with any further questions or concerns that you may have with regards to your specific situation and help moving forward. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
We have a 2012 1,300sq ft mobile home for sale vinyl siding shingle roof very nice home with a 12X12 storage building a 2 car carport with a 12×24 deck on the back and a 10×10 deck on the front in Arkansas would have to be moved I’m looking for a lot now to put it on for $39,000 any tips
Morning Jon,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Your 2012 mobile home certainly sounds spacious, up-to-date, and very modern. The carport and shed and deck also sound very nice as well. With that said if you are looking to sell for cash that I encourage you to make sure that your advertising both online and off-line in every affordable way you can think of. When you are selling for cash you will be competing against the same cash buyers that other sellers are trying to sell to. With that said you must make sure that your property is prettier than the competitions, and 10% cheaper in price if possible. With that said make sure that you can be as flexible as possible when talking to potential buyers in this should help. Also make sure the park management knows about your property for sale as they may talk to buyers regularly. I hope this helps and all make sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Always here to help if possible. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Hello john,
I am wanting to sell my older mobile home. (1970). It’s in decent shape, 2 bedroom, full size side patio, front and back redwood decks and on a huge lot.
(Very large back yard). I live in a high demand rural area with lots of trees and park setting. The home does need some work (flooring and an area of skirting fixed) but otherwise everything is in working condition with new water heater, faucets etc. I put it up for sale recently with a realtor that i felt was not being honest and asked too much. $99,000. I let him go. I also got an offer from another company for $30.000 to walk away as is and they would pull it and put in a newer home. What’s your opinion on this?
Hi Kathy,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed question is the certainly does help me point you in the right direction moving forward. Without knowing the location of your property and more of the condition and what local homes are selling for in the area I certainly do not want to give you any bad or misleading information. I mention this because the value of your property definitely depends on the buyer you are talking to, the marketing you do, and the time of the year you are selling the home. Your property is probably worth somewhere between $30,000 and $100,000. I agree that the realtor probably doesn’t know what they were talking about and just wanted to get a listing. However if somebody is looking to buy it quickly as is for $30,000 than they are trying to get a deal for themselves as well. When we talk about selling a mobile home there are only a finite amount of buyers in the market at any one given time. I hope that you are not in a rush to sell, if so you may end up taking a loss. However if you have time to sell than make sure you are advertising your property online and off-line as much as possible to let all potential buyers see your advertisement for sale. If you are selling the home for all-cash than there will only be a handful of active buyers in the marketplace at any one given time. However if you are willing to accept a “down payment” and monthly payments for the price of your mobile home then you will obviously be able to sell the property quicker and for a higher price. However you will have to manage this property and make sure that the tenant-buyers pay you until they are paid in full. I hope this all helps and make sense moving forward. You will probably have additional questions, and if you do never hesitate to reach out any time. Always happy to help if I can. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
We have a 14×64 Palm Harbor 2B 1B mobile home in a Senior ’55’ pet friendly park in Mesa, AZ. Newer Range/Refrig /Washer & Dryer. Updated carpet & vinyl flooring. Vaulted ceiling in living room & kitchen. Metal siding/roof, 2-car carport, newer deck, 8 x 10 storage shed.
Two orange, one grapefruit trees on lot. Any idea possible sale price in this market?
Hi Irene,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I’m unsure of the age of your mobile home however it certainly sounds very nice. Additionally it also sounds spacious for being 64 feet long. It is great that you are including all the appliances as well. From our experience selling a used mobile home in a senior restricted mobile home community may be a bit restrictive in your area of Arizona. The reason I mention this is because there are hundreds of senior communities in the area all looking for the same handful of senior cash buyers. When selling a mobile home and looking for a cash buyer it is important that you are advertising both online and off-line in as many mediums as possible. Also make sure you have a large for sale by owner sign in your window. You also want to make sure your mobile home is prettier than the competitions and for sale 10% below other comparable homes asking prices. When you do find a buyer that is interested aim to work with this buyer if possible. Make sure people get park approved first so you are not wasting your time negotiating with people that will not get approved anyway. With regards to your question about a possible “sales price” I certainly do not want to give you any bad or misleading information. I see some mobile homes in senior parks being listed for well over $60,000, and I know other beautiful homes in senior parks that are selling (fully furnished) for less than $5000. The fact is that senior homes may be difficult to sell in your area due to the lack of cash buyers at any one given time. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Hi i am interested to sale my mobile home is currently at my 14 Acress property is all Pay Off the Mobile Home is late 2017 i Pay 110,000 Cash for it ,reason for selling i am Building a New Concrete home in my Property let me know if there is a buyer i am located in DESOTO, COUNTY ,Arcadia,Florida my Emailis hcpvaldes@gmail.com or i can e reach at 1-939-383-8888 ask for Eddie Valdes have my title in hands ready to sale Thanks.
The house is Imaculate condition being occupied by me since November 2017
we have a 1992 double wide 28×76 that we would like to sell and have moved. We need to stay in it until september 2018 then it needs to moved promptly to finish our excavating.
Hi Paul,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I’m not sure what area of the country you’re in however unless it is a very very high demand area I would encourage you to sell for a very discounted price to a mobile home dealer, mover, or investor that will agree to purchase the home from you whenever you are ready to sell it in September. Keep in mind that this type of buyer understands that the home has to be moved and will be ready to pay those costs. They will also be flexible as to the date you are ready to have the home pulled out of there. I hope this helps and make sense. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
I am selling a 12 x 60 mobile home.
12 x 60 Mobile Home built in 1974.
2 bedroom 1 bath washer dryer hookup in bathroom.
New floors
Cabinets been painted
Black refrigerator, flat top counter top stove, built in wall oven, black leather sofa, chair and ottoman stay with the home.
$4,000.00 OBO
located in Walnut Grove Tennessee right outside of Savannah, Tn
I think I probably have the best investment property around two double wide mobile homes 3-bedroom 2-bath each bow central heat and air more information look at my listing. You will gain income as soon as you buy $807 per month or $16,000 over a period of 21 months. Get it while it’s still available I have it listed for a buyer’s value not for it much higher appraisal value all in great shape
Is this site still active? I would like to sell my home ASAP.
Hi Blazeheart3,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Yes, this website is definitely still active and looked at regularly by investors and mobile home buyers. If you have already listed your property for sale on this website then please do not stop there. Make sure you are advertising and marketing your mobile home online and off-line as much as possible. It is important to not only have your home looking nice, and priced accordingly, however it is also very important to make sure that the local marketplace knows exactly what you have for sale and how to contact you. Make sure you are advertising this on Craigslist, the local newspaper classifieds, Facebook marketplace, offer up, and more. If you have any specific questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
I am looking for a mobile home to buy that must be moved in the area of 29676 I also need to sell my 2000 16×80 River Birch mobile home on two acres of land in Alabama. Where do I find that? Thank You.
Hi Eric,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations on looking to buy and sell some properties and change things up a little bit. Your mobile home from the year 2000 certainly sounds large and hopefully well taken care of. Definitely make sure you understand the value of this property and local demand. You may want to speak with one or two local real estate investors that deal a lot with mobile homes if possible. Additionally, because you’re looking to purchase a mobile home that “must be moved” that I would encourage you to look within a 90 minute radius or more of the ZIP Code you provided above. You can purchase a home you like and have it moved by a mobile home mover or mobile home transportation company. To start your search for this mobile home that must be moved I would encourage you to start online with sites such as Craigslist and Facebook and also in the local newspaper and nearby newspapers. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
I have a few mobile homes that I am selling and someone referred me to you. We have a community in Whitehouse TX called Forest Hollow Estates. (www.foresthollowestates.com) We have about 10 used mobile homes that need pretty major work. The park is decent and there is a lot of demand on the homes. The community is just south of booming city of Tyler and within walking distance to new junior high school in sought-after Whitehouse ISD. We don’t have the resources to tackle these now. We are interested in selling the homes cheap to contractor so that we can get good buyers to move in and pay lot rent. If you are interested or know someone who may be interested, please let me know.
Hi Jae,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I have also received the email that you sent over to me directly. This is a little ways away for me however I definitely am working with one or two investors in and around this local area of yours. Great job purchasing this community and looking to improve it and the lives of its residents. If you’re willing to be flexible with these homes, lot rent, and prices that I am confident a win-win agreement can likely be worked out for these homes in need of repairs in your community. As I mentioned on the email I am forwarding your information over to these local investors so they may reach out to you directly. These local investors understand the business and understand that the mobile homes must remain where they are, be fixed up nice, and resold to good people that want to treat their home, neighbors, and the park with respect. I hope this helps and makes sense. Living forward if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to email me back or reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Yes i got a 2008 trailer want to move my mother to Tennessee where its a little warmer but i still owe on it can o sell it while still owing on it , i just want to get a little more than i paid on it did inpovements on it myself
Hi Cathy,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Glad to hear about the potential move in the near future. I would encourage you to reach out to the lender you are paying monthly to find out the “payoff process and procedure”. When you find a buyer that has cash to pay everything in full, it is important to know what steps you and the buyer need to take to get the underlying lien paid off and a new title sent over so that you may transfer it to your buyer. Some buyers may be apprehensive and not want to pay off the underlying loan without receiving a clear title in their hand at the same time. This may not be possible, so in these situations working with a local real estate attorney as a neutral third party may be helpful. This way the attorney can ensure that the person paying off the underlying loan is not in risk by you walking away without transferring title. Also, a closing attorney will make sure that you get the rest of the money owed to you after the lien is paid in full. However it all starts by calling up your lender and asking them questions about what happens after the payoff and how the title and satisfaction will come to you. Also how long this typically takes. I hope this helps and point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Hi John
I’m wholesaling a 2/2 1600sqft manufactured home in a 55+ community. I’ve marketed the property and got a great response, but maybe I marketed it to the wrong crowd. Is there anyway you can help.
Hi Centeria,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, great work getting this two-bedroom mobile home under contract. You mentioned that you are getting a great response, however you may be marketing to the wrong crowd of people. I’m curious if the crowd you are marketing to is not the correct age, or they do not have any cash available, or they are not able to get bank financing, or park approved, or something else? Feel free to comment back or email me directly with regards to the specific problems you seem to be having an where the “bottleneck” is with regards to your reselling process. If you’re having people calling you, are they going to see the property? Are they giving you any follow-up offers? Are they negotiating with you? Are they giving any feedback? Let me know your thoughts and concerns and I’ll be happy to help accordingly. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Hi John,
We just bought a mobile home in VT and want to sell the one we moved out of. It’s a small place, only 600 sq. ft. It’s a ’59 8X30 with additions in a fairly large park in Whitehall, NY.
A stove, fridge, and dryer will go with it, and we just bought a new 50 gallon water heater in Feb. Also, there are new steps and railings on the porch. We made some other improvements as well, but there’s still more to do, like the floor in the bathroom, and the front end of roof of the garage. We were going to do it all, but we really need to just sell it so we’re not paying two lot rents plus a mortgage. Lot rent at old place is 375 and at new place is 300. We’re retired so have only SS and a small pension.
We have some interested parties, but no real offers yet . . . except one offer of $500. We paid $7000 for it as is. It was in sad shape then, but the floors appeared solid at the time. We were desperate for a place to go at the time where we could take our dogs, so we went for it anyway.
Now we’re trying to come up with a price that would be fair. I think we should ask for 7K and then go from there. My son and husband want to ask much less which means a prospective buyer will then counter with an even lower amount.
I will be listing it on Craigslist and I’ll check out the sites you mentioned in a post above, if I can find them again. Just would like an opinion from someone with experience on pricing before I do.
Looking forward to your advice!
Hi Anita,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Understood about your situation. It sounds like you’ve made a great deal of improvements to your property. Congratulations on moving to your new home in Vermont. I do believe that I may have investor that could be interested in your property for sale. Please email me directly at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net with some more information about your mobile home, any pictures, and the best way to contact you. I will pass this on to a local mobile home investor I know in the area. With that said if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Thanks so much, John! I’ll do that as soon as I have some pictures taken later today.
Hi John,
Home is on family land & I am not part of the family and they want it moved. It is a 2001 Clayton 2bdrm 2bath & I am willing to sell it for a low price because the home does need work done to it. Could you possibly help?
Hi Wynona,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Happy to help if possible. I would very much encourage you to list your property on this website and I will forward it to anyone that I know in the area actively investing in mobile homes. Make sure you advertise your mobile home for sale on Facebook and Craigslist as well. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
My husband and I bought a brand new mobile home two years ago when we first got married and put it on his families farm in arkansas. Now we are moving so he can pursue a doctorate in December.
It is a 2017 3bed 2bth single wide Clayton Home. What is the best way to go about selling it since we still have a mortgage on it? Thank you!
Hi Olivia,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. First things first, congratulations with regards to the move and pursuing your doctorate. You will do great! It is important to understand how your particular lender handles things once the home is paid off. Do they send an electronic lien release directly to the state or do they send the paper title or satisfaction letter to you and then you need to have the lien removed from the mobile home. It sounds like it will be important for you to find a buyer that wants to move the home to their own piece of land and pay you cash to pay off the underlying debt. Depending on your area of Arkansas there may or may not be many buyers that are looking for a used mobile home that has to be moved. However it sounds like you have a little bit of time so definitely advertise this online and off-line is much as possible. Be competitive with your price and see what the market says. You can always go up or down depending on the interest you receive. I hope this helps and point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
I have a 1998 Champion home 3 bdr 2 bath on land I don’t own. I need to move into the city. The land owner does not want the house so it will need to be moved. It sits on 10 acres of rural land. People freak out at the cost of moving the thing, but I am too old to live alone out here and need to get rid of the house.
Hi Marilyn,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear the landowner is asking you to move your beautiful home off of the property. The home sounds relatively on the newer side and I’m glad to hear that is a three bedroom. I hope that it is a single wide since that will reduce the moving costs substantially. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Always happy to help if possible. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Hello John, My mom (recently widowed) lives in Las Vegas, Nevada in Boulder Cascade (Mobile Home) Park – 1600 S. Sandhill Unit 42, Las Vegas, Nev 89104. She desperately needs to sell her mobile home. She has it listed on MHVillage.com. Do you know of any ways to get the word out or any investors who may be interested. I believe it is listed in the $25,000 range. Any ideas on what she can do. I live in a different state, but I’m trying to help her.
Hi Imh512,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear about your mom desperately needing to sell her mobile home. It would be ideal if she had some time in order to attract the right buyer. $25,000 may be a very low price, or it may be a high retail price depending on the home and park it is located in. I would very much encourage you to advertise this online and off-line as you already doing. Make sure you are posting this in Craigslist and Facebook as well. Be flexible for the right buyer in my opinion. Would you be able to take payments for the mobile home as well. If you take payments make sure to take at least 40% down if possible. This will greatly help reduce any default from the potential buyer. I hope this helps and starts to make sense. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
John, thanks for your willingness to help us sell our place. We did sell it, but not for what we hoped to get. But it’s done, and we’re free of it, except for finishing the cleaning out of the garage. We are enjoying our new place and are going to be working on some renovations soon.
Thanks again!
John, I have a 10yr old double-wide and a single wide with all utilities hooked to both homes on 5+ acres. I want to sell. The property is located in a rural area of Northeast Texas. What would you suggest my line of action should be?
Hi Lee,
Good to hear from you. I apologize for the delay in this comment reply. I assume that this deal may have already found a buyer however if not feel free to let me know the answers to the questions below. However if it already has it can be a learning lesson for others. Great job having this home in the first place. I’m curious if you are able to divide the land and would be curious to add more mobile homes to sell off or rent one by one? However if you’re looking to sell this one for cash or payments advertise as much as possible online and off-line. There is a virus currently going on in the amount of cash buyers and bank finance buyers may have gone down a bit in more rural areas, there are still people looking to owner finance and rent for sure. Keep me posted please. Never hesitate to reach out anytime or email me directly at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Good Morning John,
PLEASE HELP! After reading your blog and seeing your responses to assist others in their situations, here is our current situation and we need help quickly.
Let me give you readers digest version.
My husband and his ex wife purchased a mobile in 1999 in Aurora Colorado they lived there few years than moved on. When they moved they gave title to managers at time and understood a lady moved in, never hearing another word. This was approx 2001-2002 (?). Husband and ex wife divorced in 2011 and we got married in 2012, we now reside in Arizona, neither he nor ex wife seen mobile in years.
Fast forward to October 2019.
It came to our attention when his ex wife and her new hubby moved to Tennessee and were in process of purchasing their new home, a lien for back taxes due on Aurora mobile was placed on both my husband and ex wife, this did not show up for us when purchasing our home in Arizona in Sept 2017.
After some researching I found whomever lived in mobile stopped paying taxes in 2017, county website actually showed my husband paid taxes in 2017, he did not.
I contacted Adams County who advised mobile still ‘legally’ owned and in both names, indeed lien for back taxes. Applied to State of Colorado for duplicate title for single wide, received and clearly shows still in their names with no lien holders.
Ex wife and county made contact with park manager advised of situation and discovered someone currently living in mobile who claims to hold title, again verified untrue. Park manager VERY uncooperative stating not his deal handle yourself yet refuses to provide any information on individual living in it (without rental/lease agreement signed with my husband nor ex wife). Been unable to make contact with person ‘squatter’ currently living in mobile.
Ex wife signed documents handing over mobile to my husband in order to close Tennessee deal. FYI mobile is free & clear.
As I said, we live in Arizona, NO intentions on moving back to Colorado & did not want to get caught up in long court procedures costing us money we’d rather not waste traveling back n forth to evict.
I made contact with an ‘investor’ (word used loosely in the matter) I found online. Long story short here, after over a month and a half going back and forth, completely transparent re situation and mobile not seen in years, buyer needs to evict, etc., investor made first offer of $10k (web shows fmv of approx $28k) however husband accepted offer.
AFTER he made offer decides wants pictures so sends ‘his guy’ over to park for that purpose. Regardless of advising investor from beginning NOT to alert person living in Mobile, his ‘guy’ did so anyhow paying supposedly $100 to go inside to see mobile. Investor comes back with offer of $4k, than another of, “couple thousand down with monthly payments to us but no actual total offer and than lastly says can only offer $2k. All these we accepted as we need money and don’t want to deal with the problems.
Investor advised before will disburse funds via google pay he needs signed title to close deal so send certified overnite USPS mail, YES I know not smartest thing ever but trusted him at his word. He stated will disburse immediately upon receipt of title. Investor confirms received title 2 days later, investor signed and emails sale contract, my husband signs and emails back to investor. 4, 5, 8 days later still no funds received. Been questioning investor who makes excuse cannot make contact with park manager, will have to move unit since manager is now claiming he holds title and uncooperative.
Again my husband legal owner and investor never spoken to manager rather going off word of woman/another park tenant ‘his guy’ put on phone with investor when there and she telling him incorrect information. I told investor should have done due diligence prior to ANY offer and certainly before sending/receiving sign sale contract! Here we are now in limbo between do we wait for this investor to decide he’ll pay or go another route to sell?
After rattling on here, are you aware of what, if anything, we can do regarding manager of park being uncooperative? What more we can do to prove ownership so we can quickly sell unit? Or any other advise you may have to help us resolve this ASAP? I’m at a loss and so frustrated now thinking sold and would be receiving funds only now to feel like we’ve been scammed not getting the money as agreed to?? Thank you in advance
Hi Carrie,
Thank you for the detailed email as it certainly does help me understand your situation better. I very much regret to hear that you are in the situation in the first place. Colorado certainly has not made it easy for you. Some states do not go after you personally for back taxes, and some states do. Colorado is one of the ones that will go after you for back taxes. Even though you clearly have sold the home and have proof of doing so. This investor that you are working with does not sound trustworthy at all. Not calling you back for eight days or longer is ridiculous and a dealbreaker in my opinion. Did this investor send you any pictures of what the home currently looks like? Are you able to email those over to me at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net? I do know of a more trustworthy investor in the area, however the purchase price will vary depending on the condition and more. However at least another investor will be more up front with you and respect you enough to take your phone calls. The titling department is likely close down. Do you know if you are able to get a duplicate title from the DMV in Colorado still?
Talk soon,
Hello John. Thank you for your quick response and sorry for the long winded initial contact email. We do have duplicate title, well investor does anyhow. I asked investor to fwd me pictures ‘his guy’ paid $100 to person living in it in to see condition (despite telling him make NO contact with person) but investor state’s ‘his guy’ won’t give pictures to him & refused to fwd to me, we all know that is ridiculous, however told me in guy says ‘terrible’ condition but no way to verify without personally seeing &/or viewing pictures. I copied & pasted below his last email received after requesting signed title back (also letting him know what I thought). Again, claims another tenant in MHP, no hand in matter & claims didn’t even get her name, told him park manager holds title & this not true, duplicate title received by us in December 2019 Colorado MVD as well Adams County Treasurer and Assessor, verifying my husband legal owner / title holder to mobile.
Thank you again in advance for any your further advise John.
Carrie B.
It’s not my intention to delay the deal or screw you guys over, it’s just a complicated situation.
The courts are closed right now so the squatter cannot even be evicted right now.
And even if we were successful with the eviction we’d have to apply to be a tenant with this dishonest manager who will have a grudge against us from the start.
Plus, the home likely cannot remain at this park since the manager is dishonest. I had not considered this previously and with me being out of state it makes it extremely hard to handle this entire transaction.
If you can give me some more time I can get the deal done but I cannot send any funds until I finalize these other details.
I hope you understand, please let me know how you’d like to proceed.
– Brian Rudderow
Rapid Home Liquidation:
Is this site still active?
Hi Jan,
Thank you for reaching out. Yes, we still certainly are. There are active buyers and sellers frequenting this page daily. Additionally, whenever a mobile home is listed will be sent to however many active manufactured home investors there are in the local area. Should get some extra eyes on your property for sale. Hope this helps and makes sense. Any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Great 4/2 on 1.30 acres of Land in Perry Fl coming to absolute auction Dec 18th, 2022- No minimum bid, no reserve! Follow YouTube link to watch video https://youtu.be/KQ2IN96nAxs
it is almost 1600 sqft with 5 year old shingle roof and 1 year old central air. Beautiful piece of land in a great neighborhood. Find out more at http://www.aactv.com and click on “Auction Catalog”
Land is not located in a flood zone.